Sun drying… not only!

Since more than 40 years, Argile du Velay is putting in emphasis high quality clays all around the world by using a manufacturing process in accordance with regulations in force and in respect with the mineral.

Our quarries are located on a south scope which is allowing clays to capture and to be nourished by the sun rays’ well-being.

If the sun-dried process was enough, Argile du Velay would not have additionally invested in an innovative dehydration unit in which clays are debacterized with hot air to get rid off all pathogens, bacteria and potential molds.

Why Argile du Velay is not only using sun dry?

That is unrealistic to think that only sun heat is enough to get a mineral in compliance with the very demanding international cosmetic regulation.

Indeed, sun drying only cannot eliminate wild animals’ excreta which can penetrate the in-quarry clay. These pathogens can be in your green clay toothpaste if no additional treatments are applying on the mineral.

Using sun drying clays located in Paris (Ile de France) is the guarantee to get a polluted clay by dioxins, microbiology and urban dust. Indeed, the adsorbing mechanism of the clay will adsorb the surrounding urban pollution. Because they are only using sun drying, toxins will be kept by clays and so can be at least in your detox face mask.

You have to bear in mind the fact that urban pollution, dioxins and pesticides are not limited by the EU cosmetics regulation. These elements are not allowed by the EU thermal regulation for clays to be considered as healthy and well-being.

For reasons of public health:

  • Argile du Velay quarries are located on a south slope in the Auvergne region
  • They are at the feet of the volcanoes far away from urban pollution and pesticides which is allowing clays to be nourished by sun ray’s energy.
  • Adding our innovative dehydration process to the sun drying is allowing us to keep all clays’ properties

And to supply a healthy mineral for you and your body.

What you have to bear in mind

Quarries located in a classified NZIEFF zone (Natural Zone of Interest of Ecology, Flora and Fauna), far away from pollution and pesticides.

Sun heat only is not enough to get a mineral in compliance with the very demanding international cosmetic regulation.

An innovative dehydration unit by hot air to get rid of pathogens, bacteria and potential molds by keeping clays’ original properties.